Why blogs are different than public folders
My basic thesis was that public folders are a “pull” technology, oriented toward request-response messaging patterns between people. Public folders are a topic-centric medium; you read a public folder post because it’s about a specific topic you’re interested in. In contrast, blogs are a “push” technology enabling pub/sub messaging between people. Blogs are centered on the individual; you read a blog not because it’s apropos to a specific topic, but because you’re interested in what one person has to say about a variety of subject matter.
mouche 03-02-04 à 13:32, rubrique citations.
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Commentaires :

05-02-04 à 17:53

Je pense que la citation a un pull de trop.

Et je ne suis pas d'accord, les blogs sont du pull, sauf s'ils sont agreges auquel cas ils deviennent du push dilue.

En gros un blog est plus interessant si on fait l'effort d'aller le lire, plutot qu'attendre que des miettes tombent dans son assiette.

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